VCU Acceleration (VCUA)
Apply: Oct. 15. 2024 - May 1, 2025
Requirements: Online application, personal statement, two letters of recommendation, a copy of SAT/ACT scores (Optional) and official transcript.
Eligibility requirements
Any grade 12 student graduating and accepted into VCU as an incoming freshman who is interested in health science careers. Applicants must have a minimum GPA of 3.25 and be able to commit to both the summer session as well as live on-campus their freshman year.
Program description
VCUA is a combination pre-matriculation summer session and academic year-long program for students interested in pre-health concentrations in medicine, dentistry, nursing, pharmacy and other health sciences. VCU Acceleration is a great fit for students who are looking to build a strong academic foundation in their math & science coursework necessary to pursue a career in the health sciences. High school seniors are welcome to apply before they have learned of their acceptance status to VCU.
Summer session
The VCUA summer session is a four-week residential program where participants take non-credit math and science coursework taught by VCU faculty members, attend health career-focused workshops, hospital tours, Health Professions admissions overviews and advising in preparation for the fall semester. Participants must provide their own transportation and parking to the program. Summer housing is provided for free, and a modest stipend is included.
Academic year
VCUA participants return to VCU to begin their freshman year in the fall and live together in a VCU program-in-residence in Gladding Residence Center (GRC). VCUA participants take first-year courses together, incorporate community service into their schedules and continue to receive support from pre-health and pre-professional advising.
Commitment to full attendance, including an orientation session and closing event, is required to participate.
Summer session: Early July - Early August 2025 (Exact dates will be updated soon)
VCU Monroe Park and VCU Health Campus.
Contact information
The VCU P.A.T.H.S. Team at (804) 827-0982 or