Health Sciences Academy (HSA) Mentorship
Application information
Apply: See individual program pages listed under the participating schools for application dates and information.
Eligibility requirements
Current VCU college freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors interested in mentoring public school students. Applicants do not have a minimum GPA requirement but must enroll in the service-learning course required for the high school they will be working with.
Program description
HSA Mentorship is an academic year semester-based program. All students will be screened for criminal background prior to enrollment in the service learning courses. Participants participate for course-credit during the fall and/or spring semester depending on the high school they will be working with. Through the service-learning courses, HSA mentors gain skills in effective mentoring practice by applying developmental and educational theories to motivate mentees to be successful in a college course.
Each HSA mentor will be paired with one or two high school students to develop a mentoring relationship. The mentor’s primary role in the class is to help their mentees develop college success skills. Mentors will be required to work in teams with other mentors to develop group presentations on college success skills; evaluate mentees written work and class participation; foster good communication skills, both oral and written, and assist mentees in developing their final presentations on their career development.
Drop-off and pick-up shuttle transportation services are provided for all mentors serving in local schools. Commitment to full attendance, including an orientation session and closing event, is required to participate.
Contact information
(804) 628-7605 or
For program dates, location and application information please click on the participating high school information below.
Spring semester: January 2023 - May 2023.
Mentoring program follows VCU Spring 2023 semester calendar
Cosby High School Health Sciences Specialty Center.
VCU Monroe Park and VCU Health Campus.
HSA Mentorship at Cosby course and application information.
Fall and spring semester: August 18, 2023 - May 8, 2024.
John Marshall High School or Richmond Community High School.
VCU Monroe Park and VCU Health Campus.
Dental Scholars Mentoring - VCU School of Dentistry
HSA Mentorship at RPS course and application information.