HSA at Cosby
Application information
HSA at Cosby is not an application but a special registration done through the Health Sciences Specialty Center. Cosby students, see your Cosby HSSC coordinator for details on registering for the course.
HSA at Cosby
Eligibility requirements
Cosby High School Health Sciences Specialty Center students.
Program description
HSA at Cosby is an academic year program where participants take a three-credit VCU dual-enrollment course in the spring. HSA Cosby participants take a health careers exploration course, interactive lectures from health care workers, participate in a mentoring program with VCU undergraduates and attend field trips to VCU.
Spring 2022: Health Careers Exploration I Syllabus
- Semester Course, 3 credits
- Mentoring seminars at Cosby high school
- Activities at VCU academic and Health campuses
This course helps students learn college success skills, make informed decisions about health careers they wish to pursue and plan college-level courses and extracurricular activities to achieve goals.
January 2023- May 2024
Cosby High School Health Sciences Specialty Center.
VCU Monroe Park and VCU Health Campus.
Contact information
Jazmin Brown at (804) 628-7605 or brownja24@vcu.edu