Frequently Asked Questions

Q: For questions pertaining to the application portal and checking on the completion of applying to a program, use the video below and follow along the step-by-step instructions if needed when completing your profile and application.



Q: How do I apply to a VCU P.A.T.H.S. Program?
A: First create a VCU P.A.T.H.S. Profile using the link above or by entering this address into a web browser: If you have problems with the website please email us at , with a screenshot if possible, so that we can troubleshoot the account for you.


Q: Why do I have to complete a Profile before applying?
A: Profile sections (contact info, family info, demographic info, education and activities and awards) used to be part of every pathway application and the same information had to be entered for every application. With the new system, we separated them so that you complete this part only once; you can now save your answers as you go and update them for future applications. This is really helpful if you are applying to more than one program in a cycle or to a new program in the future.


Q: What if I have a Profile, but no programs show?
A: Be sure that each of your five Profile sections is complete first. Then click on "Program application" and select "Check new program."


Q: What if I selected "Check new program," but no programs show?
A: Only open programs that you are eligible for will show. Either the program is not accepting applications, or you are not eligible for an open program.


Q: What if I am eligible, but the program is not showing?
A: Please email us at with your full name and intended program so that we can troubleshoot the account for you.


Q: I tried to create a Profile, but it says that one already exists. What do I do?
A: You may have applied for a program using our old system, or have signed up for the mailing list in the past. Please email us at with your full name, DOB, the old email and the new one you'd like to use. We will change it for you.


Q: How do I know what application materials are needed for my program?
A: Please visit the that you are interested in to see required items.


Q: Where do I upload my letters of recommendation or transcripts?
A: Students/parents cannot send digital documents. Please see the Supplemental materials and Mailing instructions sections above. References, please also see Mailing instructions above.


Q: Do my references need the form, or can they send a letter?
A: Your references can send the form, a letter, or both. The form is helpful because it has mailing instructions on it, but we do not require it as long as we receive something from them on your behalf. 


Q: How do I check the status of my materials?
A: You can check the status of your materials by logging into your Profile and clicking on "Program application." From there you can see all of your applications, and it will show the items needed at the top (ex: Reference letters 0/1 will change to 1/1 after it has been received).


Q: How do I know what letter or transcripts have been received?
A: You can see what files have been added to your account by logging into your Profile and clicking on Program Application. At the bottom, it will show the file name.


Q: How will I know my application is complete?
A: An incomplete application will have a status of "Pending" or "Draft." When all items have been received, your application status will say "For Review."


Q: When do decisions go out?
A: Unless your program says that it is a rolling application (open until all spots are filled), all completed applications will be reviewed following the program deadline listed on your program page. Notifications will go out 2-4 weeks following the deadline depending on the committee and may take longer depending on the total number of applications received.


Q: How are notifications sent out?
A: All applicants will receive a decision notification by email, to the same account as your Profile Email ID.  Additionally, your application status will change to either "Accepted," "Waitlisted" or "Not Accepted." 


If you have any questions or concerns not addressed here, please email and we will assist you!